Tuesday, November 23, 2010


nice tool for painting and concepts..

a couple of 20 min paintings.

1 comment:

  1. 2ND IMAGE:

    first, i'm going to say something annoying & typical, but it's my first impulse when i saw this...and that's honest=relevant: made me think of nin downward spiral..er uh..further down the spiral, whtevr...

    so this is a moonlit image rite? i love how stylized this is but also totally makes me feel the moonlight. the strip of land along the top is really glowing and when i close my eyes, i feel it coming thru my eyelids via my memory.

    i love the med blue touches in both thicker width washes and lines, it adds to the impression of slow natural motion and shimmer in the water. and is echoed on the strip of land and the fencing which brings to mind their materials and interaction with each other, the land's edge next to the water...the fencing hearing the water...the contrast of the barbed wire to the water etc...all the things that tie them all together in one habitat.

    the spikes in the spiral in the water tie in the grass blades and barbed wire...and land. the image is very cohesive. as well as breathes harmonious, w variety in brush stroke, darkness and shapes.

    and so, this is a quick study but i enjoy it very much and i feel like i am standing there. i don't know if this is intentional but the fencing leaning inwards draws my imagination in a lot more and is very effective. aand so is the fact that i'm having to b careful not to fall into the barbed wire. you know? :) it's cool.

    i end with another silly first impulse. :) aafter i have seen the image now, when i just glance it quickly and not think about it, i think of an alligator.
